Function Generator Trainer
Nvis 7102
Product Description
The “Function Generator Trainer NV7102” is a versatile training kit for Electrical and Electronics Laboratories. It is designed to explain the fundamentals of Signal Generation. A Function Generator is a product that can produce various patterns of Voltage at a variety of Frequencies and Amplitudes. This Function Generator Trainer allows students to produce the different waveforms and to understand the concept of their generation.
NV7102, Function Generator Trainer is an ideal platform to enhance education, vocational training, skills & development amongs our young minds.
Product Features
- A Low cost Trainer demonstrating all basic concepts of Function Generator
- Exclusive Presentation and Easy illustration of each block
- Designed considering all safety standards
- Low sine wave distortion
- Low Variation with temperature
- Fault creation and troubleshooting
- Onboard Frequency range display
- Provided with elaborated operating manual
Scope of Learning
- Study of Electrical Waveforms generated by Function Generator.
- Study of Triangular Waveform Generation.
- Study of Sinusoidal Waveform Generation. Study of Square Waveform Generation.
- Study of Duty Cycle of Square Waveform.
- Study of TTL Waveform Generation.
- To create and identify different faults in the circuit and study their troubleshooting methods.